I’m done

Almost a week to the day of my last post, I can safely announce that I have FINISHED ALL MY WORK FOR MY FINAL MAJOR.

These last days were spent finishing up the presentation, which was just a case of assembling all the pages I have been doing throughout the course of the project, adding the last tidbits and RENDERING.

And, even now, I still get as bored as I always have whilst waiting for pieces to render. Luckily for me there it was mainly images which I had to render out, so I didn’t have to wait that much.

A breakdown of my last days (according to my faithful planner, which I would have scanned was it not a pile of scribbles, crosses, scratches and notes in the various languages I speak)

5/May -> 7/May: Finish drawings for last couple of pages: Interactions amongst characters. Sketches/B&W

8 + 9/May: Finish full colour pieces

10 + 11/May: Assembly and write-up of PDP, amongst other things

12/May: Maya scenes, render out images

13/May: render out and assemble showreel and write the final thoughts page

The videos for my submission rendered before lunch. I finished typing up my final thoughts about an hour ago, and it was only once everything was written down I realised I forgot to update my progress blog. So here it is, the final update before my hand in.

The only thing left to do, and which I will do after I finish typing this entry, is go out and print out the presentation pages, so I can mount them and make a really pretty printed sketchbook to hand in, and put all the work in a USB stick.

As such, I leave you with the final glimpses of work I produced during these last couple of days, presented in their page format because why not.

stuck interact- swimming interacting interacting 2 maya render1 maya render2